The First Step …. June 2012
Today is the start of a long journey for Leo, Matthew, Emily, Stuart and me. It is going to be a long and difficult journey but my heart is happy tonight because we have started and every journey begins with a single step……..

decided to launch this campaign by running the Dublin Flora Women’s Marathon as it marks a certain poignancy for the reason that we are raising this money. My mantra whilst I was running was ‘I run so that Leo can walk’ and I muttered this every step of the way, through my heaving breaths and aching feet and it brought me step by step closer to the finishing line. I am not super fit so this took every ounce of grit for me, but it taught me a lesson of how lucky I am to have two good legs (i.e. healthy, not aesthetically gorgeous) and how lazy I am not using them more! When I watch Leo struggle to do the simplest of things that we all take for granted, I feel ashamed of my laziness and reluctance to get up off the couch and go for a simple walk or a jog!
I shed a few tears as I finished the race with the pure emotion of how much I love Leo, how brave he is and how determined he is to get up and walk. My tears were a mixture of elation and fear for what he will achieve and for what he will face. But I know that whatever the outcome, my ‘lovely Leo’ as he is known will be the superhero he dreams about becoming everyday. It is his greatest ambition to ‘fly like a superhero’ and I know that whatever the final outcome of this journey, that he is already a hero to me.
So, here beginneth the journey, for Leo and for us all and I believe that it is not only the destination that matters, it is the journey we travel to get there! We will use this journey to strengthen ourselves and Leo and prepare for what lies ahead. We will all unite to give Leo the best chance at life that he so richly deserves.